How to properly clean the cuticle

How to properly clean the cuticle
 Dry, hard, rough cuticles spoil the impression from the most beautiful nail polish. Therefore, any manicure should start with its softening and subsequent removal. You can try and cut bezobreznoy method and choose the one that is more suited to your skin. Nail treatment can be carried in the cabin, but the art of proper manicure and easy to learn on their own.
 Cuticle - is a thin film of the skin at the base of the nail. Ideally, it is barely noticeable, elasticity, is not damaged. However, without proper care cuticle expands and starts to Shaggy and tear, causing pain. Besides groomed grow skin looks very unattractive. Do not try to paint its color varnish - it will only emphasize irregularities and make the cuticle problematic even more pronounced.

Only one way out - a dry, uneven film with nail must be periodically removed. Do not try to destroy it once and for all - after a while the epithelium grows back again and require correction. However, with proper care and constant control of the cuticle is removed easily, and in between manicures look well-groomed.

Assemble your own nail arsenal for nail care. You'll need sharp scissors or wire cutters, a set of sticks of orange tree, a moisturizing cream or oil for nails, hemostatics pencil, nail files and special tool to remove the cuticle.

Classic manicure involves a preliminary steaming finger in soapy water. After that softened the skin gently pulls back stick from an orange tree and removed sharp nail scissors or clippers. Try to cut a thin flap of the film, watching, making sure it does not break. After removing the skin massage the nail bed moisturizing cream or a special oil. Random treat abrasions hemostatics pencil or swab dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

You can remove the cuticle and without steaming. Select one of the means for the chemical destruction of the film. In shops selling creams, gels or liquids with a small amount of fruit acids or alkalis. Put them on the regrown cuticle, soak time allotted for instruction (usually about 3 minutes) and remove the softened cuticle stick from an orange tree. The thin film is usually removed without problems, denser can be neatly cut with scissors.

Try and novelty in the world of nail polish - a special saw blade for the destruction of dermal ridges. Handling it requires some skill. Keep the saw blade at a slight angle to the nail and treat the skin with short, smooth movements. Do not try to cut all the skin at a time - so easy to hurt the nail.

In between manicures can moisturize skin rolls with special pencils. They clean small peeling and soften the epithelium. If you do not like the look of the cuticle, after wetting her move back side of a pencil or wooden stick.

Tags: manicure, removal, cuticle, destruction