How to make an aquarium on nails

How to make an aquarium on nails
 There was a rather interesting innovative direction that is included in the concept design of nails - aquarium. Name can tell a lot. The nail is made entirely in a particular way. As a result, it forms a kind of aquarium: obtained convex figures, like the glass. Feels nail smooth, but at the same time, the volume and bright as an aquarium with goldfish.
 "Aquarium" on the nails is the owner of his so as long as the nail itself. And if you wish to diversify mistress painting nails, the top can be applied using any picture varnish. Then you can wash the varnish without any consequences. Nail surface and three-dimensional image from the bottom at the same time remain unchanged.

Aquarium design is only applied to the nails after the building. Inside the nail pattern is obtained. In this capacity created by using colorful acrylics. If desired, the drawings are complemented by dried flowers, rhinestones, sequins and foil. Then acrylic material covers the entire nail. The effect is as if the pattern is under water and closed bulk glass.

Then cover the nails with a new layer of modeling material. This base or nail tip is a thin plate consisting of a gel or acrylic. It was she who determines the length of the nail, which is supposed to be the result of design. Then with the help of modeling applied relief pattern. Master exerts pressure on the hand, to give an acrylic pattern shape. Then apply the product decoration and acrylic paint. Then the nail is covered by the modeling structure.

Further, he is filled, sanded and polished. Thereafter decorated nail coated with a protective coating. Thus, nail acrylic complement the original design. When the feeling nail impression that he is natural, because it is very smooth, as if there is no pattern.

At first glance it looks as if a nail a lot of extra space. And at the same time drawing looks voluminous and transparent as water in the aquarium. This nail design is also called inner acrylic. Because in the process of its creation is used just two types of nail - art: nail acrylic and acrylic convex molding.

Tags: aquarium, nail, Ambassador, drawing, design, painting, acrylic, building