Giving nail shape - it's the first thing you should do before applying varnish. It may be square, round, oval. All funds deposited onto the prepared nail scheme - first covered the tip, and then the entire surface of the base to the tip of the nail, leveling layer.
Depending on the condition of nails, select the "base" - a coating that protects the nail penetration into the pigment, smooths the surface of the nail plate, making it stronger. For brittle or soft, cracking, thin layer of nails needed basis with vitamins.
For a smooth, perfect painting is not enough to cover the base. Severely damaged nail plate, you can align the nail polisher, applying the first grainy coating, and then - small, for the final polishing.
Exists for the same purpose, and "Grandma" way - a piece of flannel or suede sprinkle with a mixture of talc, boric acid and starch, taken in equal proportions. On a level surface varnish lie flatter and will last longer (though you must bear in mind that from frequent nail polish thinner and becomes brittle).
To nail more firmly attached, it should fix a special coating that protects against cracking. Such funds typically accelerate drying varnish or give "diamond" flicker. Protectors (protective liquid) may be used independently coated with thin and brittle nails. In applying the lacquer fixative should be aware of the difference between drying and drying equipment - for a minimum of 1:00 is better not to wash their hands, and even more desirable to avoid even some work.
The main problem is the lack of manicure time to dry nail polish. Help her decide washable (for each layer) and indelible (at the end of all procedures) means to speed up drying. Always necessary to allocate a little time (about 10 minutes) to dry each individual layer, as a thin film core framework, varnish or protective coating dries faster multilayer. Determine the degree of drying layer is simple: it is necessary to knock nails into each other - if the sound is "bone", ringing, then cover completely dry. Important note - with a hair dryer to dry the nails should not be, because the hot air creates roughness, turbidity lacquer it dries with bubbles and uneven.
Here are a few examples of the use of black color in the design of nails:
Paint your nails entirely in black, and then nail polish remover to remove a bit dark in the center of the nail plate, leaving intact nail on the end and the cuticles. How to paint on top of whatever color - a very interesting option.
On top of a thick layer of bright paint (red or silver), about a minute after application, paint black. After complete drying of black lacquer with a cotton swab and liquid varnish remover slowly erase the top layer until the bottom color.
For long nails look great contrasting color coating the bottom (palm side) of the nail. Black nails with silver spectacular for people, a lot of gesturing or dancing. Be especially careful to avoid getting nail on the compound of the skin and nails.
Use a combination of silver and black lacquer can be another interesting way. Eyeshadow color "metallic" put on the still wet nail polish and top coat transparent after drying the previous layer.