Technically hot manicure is powered nail and hand skin using a bath with hot composition. A small container filled with medicated oils or lotions reducing the mixture was heated to 500C and the procedure starts with hot manicure. Hands should be pre-prepared - remove lacquer, remove dead skin flakes with a mild peeling, sawed edges and give the nails a desired shape. Processed hands should be placed in the tub with hot composition and leave for 15 minutes. Then the hand is removed from the bath, do massage and work with cuticle. Meaning of the procedure in the deep penetration of nutrients into tissues and nail your hands - high temperature opens the pores, the processes of absorption are accelerated and the effect of drugs increases.
The composition of the bath depends on what type of problem should be solved. Dry skin and flaking eliminate various oil compositions - olive or peach butter. Irritated from lack of vitamins struggling fruit acids and herbal extracts. Lanolin helps to soften the skin and eliminate the cracked areas.
To achieve a greater effect should regularly carry out the procedure at home - heated in a water bath creams and lotions will help maintain the beauty of hands and become one of the stages of a home manicure. Hot compositions handles help to relax, restore joint mobility and remove the tension in the fingers of the permanent loads. If the nails have lost their shine and look lifeless after treatment capacity, the periodic sessions hot manicure will help to quickly restore the structure of the nail.
Immediately following a session of hot paraffin tray will help improve the efficiency of procedures and fix the result. After comprehensive care can be covered nail varnish, and fit both conventional and therapeutic compositions.