Aquarium design more effectively looks at naroshchennyh nails, because they are easier to put any image. Longer than the nails, and the more room for imagination. In addition, drawing on the volume of short plates looks very simple, and visually makes them shorter.
A necessary condition for a quality manicure - nails thorough preparation for the procedure applying aquarium design. For example, it is very important to create a form of nail plate suitable for future images.
One of the advantages of this nail design is that a gel can be applied not only to any drawing, but also glued rhinestones, sequins, beads. Gel coat after necessarily processed by a special nail file, which makes nails smooth and shiny.
Thanks aquarium design can be issued not only a simple two-dimensional drawing, but also to create a holographic effect. Today is a very popular and in demand photo design nails.
Moreover, after a certain period necessary sawing nail patterned no. As soon as the nail plate will grow, it can complement a variety of elements. If you get tired of applied design, it is possible to paint the usual nail polish, and then just wash off with a special liquid, with aquarium design of this does not hurt.
Before applying the nail polish is desirable to think in advance drawing. Then aquarium design suitable for both special occasions and everyday routine.