Nail strengthening silk, pasting a piece of silk fabric on top of the nail plate. If you have a change of heart on the nail, first "patches" of silk cover crack, then grind this place, and then cover the entire nail silk, gently stroking his special wooden stick, dipped in a special liquid. Silk on the nail becomes quite transparent. Next, carefully cut the excess fabric, nail polish and polish it completely. Now he looks great - healthy and shiny.
To strengthen nails silk are no contraindications, except for fungal diseases. In this case, you must first solve the problem, and only then take care of the beautiful manicure. Silk is good and as a means to increase, it is made perfect false nails that look great on top of natural and do not cause them harm.
Strengthen or build your nails with the help of silk can use any nail salon. But this procedure done at home is not too difficult. Only need to stock up on nail file, nail polish remover, nail glue and a piece of special silk.
First you need to treat your nails nail file, then cut the silk lining, handle their nail polish remover to degrease and apply to their own nails. Then he must be firmly pieces of silk and cover them with special glue. When it dries, it is necessary to cut off all unnecessary, nails, sawing process, polish and apply to them the usual layer of varnish. The effect you will notice right away - no longer nails break, will be strengthened to become invisible to them all the defects.