Nail Care

Nail Care
 It's no secret that the first opinion of the person is formed in the face, yet the most complete picture of the nature of man and his habits can be obtained by looking at his fingernails. Well-groomed nails and hands - it is something without which one can not do neat person, so make sure it is necessary to pay attention to the aesthetic and hygienic aspects of appearance.
 Brittle nails is usually caused by poor diet, aggressive sunlight, and the use of low-quality assets to strengthen nails. It is better not to resort to the latter, since forgery often contain formaldehyde, and it is a chemical that weakens and dries nails. Correct to replace this facility waterproof coating, it retains moisture and repels water and dirt from the nails. A good way to mitigate the nails - lip balm wax basis.

The grooves on the nails tend to appear due to genetic factors. Here you can align the nail surface using a polishing cream or a buffering agent. If there are no grooves from birth, it may be a manifestation of anemia. Then you must visit a doctor. Also, the appearance of striae may occur due to the strong pressure on the nail when the nail. So be careful when you nail care.

White spots on the nails may appear because of the impact on them, a strong pressure on the nail when the nail polish and so on. When the nails grow back, then you can cut area containing white dots. Carefully follow manicure, because injections into the cuticle can also be the cause of white spots.

Nails turn yellow, as a rule, from what you do not use a lacquer base basis. Nail fungal infection can also cause yellowing. Will help to remove the yellowing nail whitening scrub with a light abrasive action. Also lost their natural color to brighten your nails will help remedy nail polish remover that contains an ingredient similar to lemon juice, it has the effect of bleaching.

There are no effective methods to help you get rid of nail biting. But in this situation can help a professional manicure, which should be done once a week, as you may not want to spoil the beautiful painted nails. And yet, if you are confident in their irresistible nails and hands, then you will not hide them and shame.

 Author: Valery Mikhailov

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