Apply a base under nail polish. Choose it individually: protective - if the nails tend to strongly yellow, leveling - if the nails are uneven surface having a dense color, and you need a solid color base for paint, for example, if a transparent varnish.
When the foundation is dry, start applying the varnish. It must be applied to the middle of the nail to the edge, not touching the skin around the edges of the finger and cuticle. If you are at an independent painting nails often stain the skin around, be reserved in advance special cleaning pen. It has several impregnated baits of dense material, which is very convenient wipe accuracy, and can be used for these purposes, tightly twisted cotton flagellum dipped in acetone.
After the first coat of varnish, let it dry thoroughly in the air, and then apply a second coat in the same way. To make sure your pedicure lasted longer and has long had a fresh new look, apply two coats of varnish over the fixer. Fixers are different: to enhance the color, to give extra shine or, conversely, giving haze.
As quickly as dry varnish applied, and if you need to dry almost instantly, drizzle on a special lacquer spray for fast drying. This completes the moment when spraying toenails is to adjust. If you have formed an unfortunate blot on the contour of the nail, remove its corrective pencil, moisten it in nail polish remover. And let you have all the beautiful, stylish and well-groomed down to the fingertips!