Hardware manicure. Disadvantages procedures

Hardware manicure. Disadvantages procedures
 Condition for the modern woman of her hands and nails is as important as the makeup, hair and clothes. That is why the woman pays special attention to the regular manicure. There are different technologies Manicure: Classic manicure, European (dry), French, and more recently on the market of cosmetic services there is such kind of manicure, manicure as hardware.

They say that the idea of ​​hardware manicure appeared more than 50 years ago, but won the interest of the fairer sex hardware manicure only recently.

Its meaning is that the dry nail polish is considered edging views and is performed using a special device with a plurality of different grinding cups. Each nozzle has its own function, therefore it is a hardware manicure takes less time than a classic manicure.

With this method of manicure is almost impossible to cut the skin around the nails or hurt blood vials, as sander removes dead cells of the cuticle. If the normal sawing greatly injures dry skin, the machine will make the procedure much more pleasant. Moreover, people suffering from constant burr, hardware method will like. Since no pre-soaked hands, and essential trace elements are not washed out, you can avoid undesirable delamination of nails.

After hardware manicure cuticle grows slowly, which will be paid manicure less time and effort.

However, despite all these advantages hardware manicure, there are some drawbacks.

Firstly, no nail polish is perfect. And hardware method is also not an exception. The machine can not cope with running with overgrown nails cuticle for hardware manicure nails should be groomed themselves.

Secondly, it is not safe. Despite the fact that the hardware manicure is considered the safest of the use of grinder, this is the grinder in unskilled hands can cause great harm. For example, the nozzle can break - and greatly damage the nail itself, and the skin around it.

Third, you can not do a manicure at home quickly with the usual manicure sets. Required to have a grinder with a sufficient number of nozzles.

Fourth, if misused can get carried away and much too hard to cut the skin around the nails or nails hurt themselves.

Tags: manicure, lack of procedure