Why is there a lack of communication

Why is there a lack of communication
 Lack of communication - is its lack of quantity and quality, causing fairly stable difficulties in establishing and maintaining contacts. It is accompanied by feelings, a sense of loneliness. This condition is characterized by alienation, uncommunicative, inability to show their emotions, right out of the current situations. The reasons for this may be several.
 Difficulties or barriers of communication by the sometimes difficult to detect, but they are accompanied by internal stress. Problems can arise due to natural personality traits, such as aggression, and may be the result of various psychological trauma, stress, emotions, low or high self-esteem. All this violates the trust between people, leading to their rupture and cause lack of communication.

Another reason for the shortage of communication can be the inability or failure to establish contacts. Our age of rapid filled with technology, the Internet, the ability to play in a virtual life, invented by someone or by the person the world. And some, creating an image that they can only support a "network" in communicating in the real world, with real people experiencing difficulties. People are increasingly faced with the challenge of reaching out, especially those that are beyond the scope of business interests.

Very often leads to a deficiency of communication inability to trust people to compromise. This may be caused by the properties of human nature: selfishness, falsehood, insincerity, categorically. For example, suspicion and jealousy usually lead to protracted strife and a complete rupture of contacts. And if people do not understand their problems and tend to blame others, the difficulty in communicating grow like a snowball, increasing uneasiness, irritability, negativism.

Lack of communication can occur because of persistent stereotypes, prejudices, errors in understanding the meaning and the tendency to look for hidden negative connotation where it is not.

One of the most important factors affecting the level of sociability, the socialization of man. Literally from birth, the child begins to adapt to society. Contacts with relatives and strangers, peers and adults, kindergarten, school, etc. - All stages of socialization. If the child does not attend kindergarten, it must interact with other children on the street, in the development groups. And it is important to understand the parents. Other people's children and adults give the child an opportunity to recognize and understand the world. Teach him to communicate with different people, and, therefore, will help to avoid problems later.

Tags: problem, communication, loneliness, cause deficits