Why do men cry

Why do men cry
 We cry when they are happy when we are sick or when we are sad. But it is necessary to dispel the stereotype belief that from severe emotional distress or pain may cry only women. In fact, these feelings can survive and men, although they are called strong half of mankind.  

No one will argue with the fact that crying is one way of expressing emotions. Men rarely cry because of the pain, as more physically hardy than women. But sometimes they can not cope with their feelings when mentally or emotionally overwhelmed.

For example, men shed floods of tears in front of a large audience, if you reach the long-awaited victory in the sport. Is often seen as one mourns strong muscled athletes standing on the podium winning the Olympics or won a brilliant victory at Wimbledon. Oddly enough, but women crying in public can be seen very rarely.

Men for centuries used to resist the manifestation of feelings and tears, because had to be brave defenders. Now times have changed, and the current generation of men are not ashamed to show their weakness. The modern world, with its stress and depressive situation forces without exception to experience strong emotions that need access to tears or laughter.

Tears are a natural form of expression of emotions like joy or anger. So Historically, society has provided women the privilege to cry. But men also need a cleansing process their feelings: sadness, loneliness, happiness or frustration. According to statistics, men die sooner than women because they are used to hide their emotions, which leads to early cardiovascular disease. We must learn to respect the tears of men, as well as respect their laughter or willpower. Men must learn to not hesitate to cry. Without feeling guilt or shame. As well as the cry is an expression of anger, and tears just have to become men expression of joy or grief, because they are not soulless mechanisms and should take care of their health, lowering stress levels tears, clearing his heart and soul.

According to research scientists, emotional tears reduce the level of manganese and prolactin in our blood, thereby reducing stress levels. After these men feel tears cleared for new achievements, open to new relationships.

Tags: man, word, tear generation