The influence of sex on the female body

The influence of sex on the female body
 Why do people have sex? It is known to all - to extend the human race and for pleasure. However, not everyone knows that the sexual contact - real medicine and its effect on the body is so vast and diverse that seems to have no organ or system on which it would have no effect.

When a person has sex, accelerated heartbeat, and blood begins to move faster through the body. If such practice exercise regularly, the cardiovascular system is strengthened and becomes more trained. Proven that people who have sex all the time, less prone to heart disease and atherosclerosis. In addition, the intense work of the heart leads to more frequent breathing and heating of the muscles, because it is no secret that after lovemaking people feel tired and exhausted, as if after physical exercise. And this is the workout, but still is! You have sex in the body burns more calories than jogging. Therefore, if you want to lose weight and are afraid of intimacy with a man because of figure flaws - forget about it. Actively engaged in sex, you can lose weight quickly and with great pleasure.

Another notable benefit of a well-pumped blood through the body - the improvement of its composition. If the blood rushing through his body at a high speed, it is better oxygenated, it increases the number of red blood cells. Estrogen secreted during lovemaking, cleaves cholesterol, so people who have sex regularly, look better and feel more youthful. Scientists have also shown that sex affects the immune system. Again, due to the blood oxygen saturation and regular active muscle work. In addition, tests have shown that people who have sex often, the blood contains more antibodies. Have sex - and will hurt less, proven!

For women, very useful is sex without a condom. That is, when the men's semen enters the vagina. In semen contains substances priceless for the female body: a set of vitamins, hormones, minerals and trace elements that are learned at an incredible pace. Calcium and zinc, for example, can greatly improve the tooth enamel, and hormones, and enzymes relieve menstrual syndrome and help regulate the female cycle. A constant training of muscles directly involved in the sexual act, helps to preserve their function much longer than those who abstain loves. Women who engage in regular sex, there are no problems with the bladder and the pelvic organs are better supplied with blood.

Incidentally, if you give up making love because of a migraine, you know what you are doing is completely in vain. During orgasm in women allocated substances capable of serving excellent anesthetics. Therefore, you will not only enjoy themselves and deliver it to your partner, but you can get rid of your migraine without using any medication. By the way, except during sex endorphins produced more and serotonin and adrenaline, which increases self-esteem, make a person more confident and increase mental alertness.

Of course, you can practice making love for one reason only - it is very, very nice! But next time, when I think that having sex, think about its apparent benefits. After all, so you will not only enjoy the intimacy, but also strengthens your health.

Tags: body fluid, migraine, health, sex, the hormone effect, the sperm