Living with a sadist: the truth about domestic violence

Living with a sadist: the truth about domestic violence
 Domestic violence is openly discussed by the general public. From time to time we see on TV and read in the press reports of victims of domestic sadists. However, many women are victims of their families.

Domestic violence can be not only a physical nature, but also moral. Smart, beautiful women suffer for years her husband, who systematically asserting itself at their expense. Examples of such lot. Renowned singer Valeria lived with her husband, bore him three children. Over the years, the public was shocked by her confession in a systematic pummeling. There are several main reasons that make Russian women live with a sadist.

1. banal fear. Break the cycle of fear prevents that would be even worse. The husband finds a way to get revenge. The Russian mentality is not accepted to believe in justice. Go to the police and write a statement on the sadistic husband is just awful. And if a woman has children, then his anger may be directed against them.

2. The shame to their families and friends. Some women feel ashamed to admit that her own husband scoffs at them. What will people think - the question is, who cares them. Own security is not as important as the public gossip and discussion.

3. Welfare problems. Housing problem spoiled people. Women often have nowhere to escape from the sadistic. And ask for help and get back to the apartment to the torturer even dangerous. Financial dependence on the husband and I will dwell in the victim even more complex and experiences.

4. Beating means love. Fear of loneliness makes women suffer humiliation and beatings. The status of divorced women are still many considered a sign of a failed life. Stereotype that still can not come to an end.

Reasons why women suffer domestic violence lot. But to get out of a painful depending on the sadistic need to love yourself. Remember that you are a free person. Always very difficult to make a move to his freedom. The reasons that keep near despair begin to seem. However, a person always has a choice. Endure further abuse or begin to move forward.

Tags: husband, life, truth, violence, sadistic