How to calm the angry woman

How to calm the angry woman
 Sometimes women panic on the most trivial grounds, but sometimes they have serious problems when no male support is indispensable. How do you help the fairer sex to maintain composure?

The troubled girl, you should not bother with questions, if she does not want to tell you anything. Do not be angry, try to distract her. Go along for a walk, watch a movie. Maybe after a while it will calm down and turn to you for advice.

Casually ask the angry woman go to the store. After all, she had long planned to update your wardrobe. Money? Of course, your credit card at its disposal. Nothing is more comforting girl like a good shopping.

Do not be afraid female anger, he just needed to get out. If you are caught with a girl in tears, do not rush to call an ambulance. Let it says incoherent tirade and even cries because she is released from the negative. Wait out the storm and find out what happened.

If the cause of the disorder in you, try to defuse the situation. Say that all couples have problems, you will cope with them, and life goes on, no matter what. And angry pointless better resolve disputes in a peaceful state.

If things had gone away, and she is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, do not try to calm her down, it's like that run towards runaway train. Just ask her sweets. Cover the table, drink tea. Chocolate and cakes wonderfully affect the female psyche.

But from alcohol and cigarettes woman in nervous excitement is better to abstain. A variety of harmful substances help to calm down for a short time, in the end, they just loosen the nervous system.

Tell me that you love her. And whatever happens, do not give up. Ask directly what you can do to calm her down, because you can no longer look at women's torment.

Most importantly, make it clear to the woman that she can count on your support. This argument usually works perfectly. Near the reliable companion for any woman quietly, like a stone wall.

Tags: stress, woman, anger, anger