Evil men: the pros and cons

Evil men: the pros and cons
 What better man - thin or thick? Often say "lean" mean "weak". This is not always the case. From parents we got complexion, which is difficult to change, but the physical strength depends on the person. We will not consider the extreme, let's talk about just lean men who are healthy and at least occasionally engaged in physical exercise.

Modern fashion dictates its beefcake, lately famous fashion house Dior, Prado, Dolce & Gabbana post on their posters emaciated, skinny, effeminate men who are more likely to attract representatives of the strong half of mankind with different sexual orientation than normal women seeking to marry and having a healthy baby.

The results of the survey, only 25% of women responded that they like skinny men, however, 31,000 Americans last year resorted to liposuction. Although most women like men of normal stature, advertising and fashion still operate, causing normal healthy men feel insecure.

What to do if your heart is subdued thin man? What are the pros and cons can be found in this situation? The first thing that comes to mind - it will take up very little space on your marriage bed that you will agree, great. According to stereotypes such men eat little. (This is not always true, but let's hope.) A third advantage can be considered greater sexual activity and endurance wicked men. Also, "skinny" women feel more tender and caring.

We now turn to the downside. The first is extremely difficult to find clothes for bad spouse, whatever you choose, it will look like with someone else's shoulder. Second: the constant hints of friends and acquaintances that you feed it bad. Perhaps, the main disadvantage of bad life partner - his penchant for treachery. This is confirmed by statistics. Skinny men change are twice as likely than full. Opinion poll showed that 23% of them like virtual sex. Difficult to count on protection in an emergency situation (although this point moot).

You can argue long about what men are better - thin, normal or thick. Experience shows that the complexion in family life has very little meaning. Personal qualities are much more important. Love us just like that. For what we are. And if we start to take apart, estimating separately complexion, character, shape of the nose, it is, of course, also love, but with patalogoanotomicheskim bias.

Tags: man, complexion