Determine the nature of the shoes on

Determine the nature of the shoes on
 There are some very interesting methods of determining a person's character by what he chooses models of shoes, and how it wears. Every move in his manner, a person learns to walk a distance, so erased sole all in different ways. And pick a style of shoes all depending on your preferences.

High heels are choosing nature freedom, sexual, with original views on life and low self-esteem. High heels talk about wanting to stand out and at the same time to protect themselves from a hostile world. Pin are energetic, discreet and prudent person. Know their value, they are sociable and feminine.

Platform prefer straight, practical ladies with a share of romance. They love to subjugate others and are proud of their victories. Docile, quiet women choose soft shoes with low heels. They love to philosophize, non-confrontational, not confident, easy to communicate.

Stylized men's shoes purchased confident ladies who know life. However, such shoes can indicate fatigue or depression. Sports shoes prefer sociable, but uncompromising woman. They are going through difficult changes.

Ladies wearing shoes without backs, characterized as a great interest in nature, adventurous, easy-going. They do not ride, like order in everything. Moccasins are choosing women who prefer a stable connection. They are natural, modest, unobtrusive.

If you wear a heel with the outer edge, the character of a person is defined as a direct and decisive, ambitious but practical and neat. The inner edge wear closed in people, discreet, intelligent, physically weak.

Sole and heel erased same people energetic, active, noble and successful business. Worn sole thumb suggests determination, dedication host.

Worn in the middle sole and heel with the inner edge of the soft nature of the show, which are easily influenced by someone else. Worn on the toe sole and heel with the outer edge of the issue of the dreamer or a skeptic. Amorous, but non-permanent.

Fashion model shoes, as well as tastes may change over time, but some shaped you prefer more than others. How these characteristics coincide with reality - you decide, these definitions do not categorical, but Psychologists say the relationship between style shoe style to wear and behavior.

Tags: character shoes, definition, style