Oddly enough, the men in my time going through moments of crisis more than a fragile and defenseless woman. The first is the period of adolescence growing up. When the boys are starting to feel is almost an adult and throw all sorts of things, from which their parents begin to stir his hair. This does not mean that a man is something wrong, on the contrary, he grows up, he needs to assert itself in this life and prove that he is not a child anymore.
The following transitional waiting man aged student or graduate. This is the age of youthful maximalism, when you want to move mountains, make a million, start their own business and become the coolest and the most secured to everyone around envied. At this age, by the way, many people fall in love and get married on the ears is due to high ideals. Man think that he will choose a most beautiful woman, win it and be happy until the very end of his life. In women, this age is called "take until tepid."
Well, of course, the famous mid-life crisis. Heard about it everyone, but not everyone knows that this crisis means. Somewhere between the ages of thirty-five - forty years a man begins to think about what was going to die. This idea becomes obsessive and finds support in everything: in health, habits and lifestyle. It was during this period is a strong revaluation of values, start and change the nature of depression. A man comes to the conclusion that there is no sense especially tense, because life is over anyway. Often during this period, to feel younger and prove it to others, a man leaves the family or starts a mistress.
Many people think that a midlife crisis last in a man's life, but it is not. There is another crisis, coming later in life, when the children have grown up and started to live independently and separately from their parents. Man feels the desolation in the house, he ceases to feel its importance and significance, it oppresses, that he is no longer head of the family. In addition, during this period usually arise health problems and often ends labor activity. Therefore, man becomes aware of his uselessness and the imminent end. Although, in fact, during the period of the crisis until the end is still very, very far away, and he can be comforted very soon, raising grandchildren.
So now you know a little more about men. Try the same with the mind to take all their heavy periods and possibly support them and be understanding. After all, the man the stronger sex, which means other than us - women help them no one else.