Most associate yellow with the sun, gold, and hope for a better future. Therefore, florists often used in the preparation of yellow flowers bouquets. Gamma red, yellow and green - is the most popular bouquets for extravagant gifts.
If you ask those same florists who buys a bouquet of yellow tulips, it is possible to hear the answer - everyone who loves yellow. And who loves yellow? This question can be answered by psychologists. Adherents of yellow are active, active, cheerful people who move through life easily, have adequate self-esteem, easy-going, optimistic, friendly, a little adventurous and unpredictable.
Unfortunately, the abundance of yellow tires, causes anxiety, aggression, lack of confidence. Therefore, a bouquet of tulips in the room - a ray of light, but if in the same room to focus more yellow objects to decorate the interior with yellow curtains and add a yellow color in the decoration of the room, a few hours of such premises will want to escape. Accordingly, the yellow color can be used moderately and gift of yellow tulips can be very helpful if the relationship is at an impasse, or have become somewhat humdrum.
In today's world there is no place to superstition. The yellow color is not considered something mythical. If a young man has presented a bouquet of yellow tulips, it can designate only one thing - he loves yellow, it is adherent and expresses his love and affection for the girl hopes to develop relations and is ready to transition to a new level.
Yellow tulips give not only men in love. The most active buyers of yellow flowers are business customers who still believe - if in the office, where negotiations on the best deal, put a bouquet of yellow tulips, it will conclude a contract the most successful and attract wealth, luck and prosperity.