Earlier in Korea women stimulated by their partners injection needle into an intimate body. Today this method is gone. But the brutal sexual practices exist elsewhere. Thus, in the Trobriand Islands partner during foreplay gnaw each other lashes. And the men of the tribe Ponape that lives in Micronesia, excite favorite ant bites.
On the island of Sumatra is believed that better meet your partner a man should stick under the foreskin stones, shells or pieces of metal. A Brazilian Indians increased their penis, substituting it for a bite snakes. Their Brazilian counterparts have been more humane to themselves - they are only attached to the reproductive organs horse hairs.
Representatives of half of humanity from the tribe of Hottentots (South Africa) is still currently one testicle amputated. It is believed that it prevents the birth of twins in the family, which is considered a terrible curse.
Women for centuries also had hard times. For example, in Bali, they were inserted into the vagina of various small items to please your partner. As a result, many receiving cervical trauma.
In Zimbabwe, women before intercourse rubbed his genitals herbs that lead to absolute dryness and evolution ceased lubrication. Can you imagine what feelings get local ladies sex "dry running"?
And in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other countries with Muslim tradition still produce ritual defloration. This is done using the index finger of his right hand wrapped in white cloth. And woe to the unfortunate, if the matter is not painted in red color!
But that's nothing compared to the traditions of some tribes of equatorial Africa. There girls are sent for disposal of innocence in the jungle, where they must deflower the male gorilla. And if you would like to indulge in pleasures monkey is not, she is considered a potential bad wife: because it nobody Pozar even a gorilla.
Another thing - Tibet. There's always been assumed that marriage with virginity - bad form. A similar pair could even drive out of the village for such indecency. So the girls before the wedding should have been given at least twenty men. Similar rules exist today - on the island Mangayya.
Tradition swinging - not the invention of our times. In the same Tibet considered mandatory offer to use his wife guest. Similar rules exist in the past on the Kamchatka Peninsula. And in the Australian Arunta tribe wives shared with each other for centuries.
It would seem that it is best settled Shilluk tribe leaders from Central Africa: they took as wives and take dozens of excellent soplemennits. But not so simple - as soon as his wife complain that their husband does not satisfy, the leader executed.
The most harmless and at the same time curious custom existed until recently Aboriginal Northeast Australia. There handshake instead used another ritual. Any accidentally wandered into the village stranger was to give local men to shake his penis.