How to describe yourself on a dating site

How to describe yourself on a dating site
 Dating site - one of the easiest ways to find a friend or mate. But that you are interested, it is necessary not only to put a beautiful picture, but also correctly describe themselves. The more attractive to your page, the more you will be able to start dating.  
 Of course, it is not necessary to lie openly. At the first meeting of your lies will come up to the outside, and then a new acquaintance is unlikely to want to see you again. But you can embellish the truth. For example, if you smoke, you can put the information in the questionnaire that you throw. Some provocative questions and can not answer. Suppose indicate your income or weight in kilograms.

Focus on its merits. If you are good draw, write poetry or song, it can not only specify it in your personal information, but also to present their work. Of course, it is necessary to describe and personal qualities. This is best done in a humorous way. It is unlikely that someone will read a long list of your virtues. And here's a little funny story will come in handy.

Be sure and specify the purpose of your acquaintance. If you are looking for new friends, this simple action will save you from letters from those who seek a soul mate. If you are interested in a love relationship, this is exactly what to write. A good idea to describe the person with whom you would like to meet. For example, age, height, hair color or eye if they are for you crucial.

In the questionnaire on a dating site a lot and can play trivia. Whether you love to wake up sooner or later, how you feel about alcohol and drugs, religion. Here it is necessary to write only the truth. After all, if you start to communicate with the person, it can feel a lie.

Enter your height, build (if you are not distinguished by the beauty of the body, it is best to write that it is normal), the presence of hair on the body, you have made a piercing or type of appearance. Such nuances help determine the choice of which dating sites are very large.

One of the required fields are priorities in life. Think about what is really important to you and fill the block. Also important is the section about sex. Specify do not hesitate, what you want from a partner that is important to you. Try not to embellish your accomplishments (especially men).

In the questionnaire, try to be who you really are. Is it just a little priukraste itself. But at the meeting, try not to show what you are silent or gave incorrect information. Under these simple rules, you can easily find the right person.

Tags: site, familiarity, appearance