How to bring people from binge at home

How to bring people from binge at home
 Heavy drinking - is the highest degree of alcoholism, which can manifest itself on the second stage. This condition arises from the fact that the person continues to drink for several days. However, he did not enjoy the pleasure of drinking, and believes that if you do not drink, then just die.

At some point, drinking a person decides to relieve morning break-up, drinking a glass of alcohol. After some time comes for a short relief, and an alcoholic reaching for repeated dose. Terrible bout that in this state the person loses all sense of proportion and can bring yourself to death.

A man out of hard drinking at home is difficult, especially if the alcoholic does not recognize the problem and do not want to solve it. The most effective way out will be recourse to the Drug Dispensary. Just a few days here will lead to a sane state of the alcoholic. However, this method has drawbacks - hospitalization only on a voluntary basis and setting an alcoholic register with the psychiatrist.

If a person is intoxicated, do not give him any self-medications. This is a very unsafe and can lead to very serious consequences, including death. Wait until an alcoholic sleep it off, sober and feel approaching hangover. It was at this time and should take its excretion from the binge.

In any case it is not necessary to give him sober, as the booze in this case will continue. At this time, an alcoholic feels the most discomfort: increased blood pressure, there is nausea, vomiting, tachycardia.

It is best at this time to call an ambulance. After all, as a result of a long binge alcoholics observed manifestation of diseases such as delirium tremens, hypertensive crisis, stroke. Typically, in such cases, doctors are limited to Demerol injections or magnesia, which significantly facilitate the suffering alcoholic.

Independently bring people from binge at home will help you to drink plenty, but not caffeinated beverages. In order to speed up the elimination of toxins, give alcoholic drink activated charcoal. Try to persuade him to eat some food, the best warm broth, even though it is difficult in a state of severe hangover. Deliver human unloaded, even a couple of days he will spend in bed. Do not stop giving an alcoholic a lot of liquid and easily digestible food, conclusions walk to fresh air.

Tags: people, pets, condition, alcoholic, alcoholism, output, intoxication, withdrawal