Pornozavisimost akin to addiction. A person affected by it, seeks as much as possible to spend more time to his addiction. He spends all his free time in watching videos and photos with pornographic content. It is unlikely that persuasion or belief loved ones can stop this disease.
Most often pornozavisimosti exposed men. And it may be men who have a family, and absolutely no problems in sex. Pornozavisimym, like a drug addict, can be almost anyone. But get rid of that much harder. It is necessary to mobilize the willpower and once and for all abandon the view of photos and videos of known content.
Dependence on the viewing of pornography is growing every day. She was exposed to very different types of men. It used to be that watching pornography - for the weak, humble, unrealized in life and unmarried men. But at the moment this mania exposed completely different man. They can be in love, married, single, divorced. Social status also plays no role.
Dependence can appear at any moment. Someone suffers its adolescence, someone she had already appeared in old age. Recognize the dependent person is not so easy. Usually, people hide their passion. Try to catch the man several times by surprise. Only then will you be able to detect this disease.
Treatment pornozavisimosti very difficult. Like drug addicts, people must first understand their problem. And then independently wish to get rid of. Discussions and threats will not help. Protect people from pornography too difficult. In the free market are CDs and magazines. And the Internet can find terabytes of photos and videos.
To cope with this disaster is unlikely to succeed on their own. Even if you did not watch porn for several weeks or months, you can hang on. It is best to refer to the competent psychologist who will help get rid of the problem. Now there are even free hot line for people pornozavisimyh. Only a set of measures will help to get rid of mania, of course, if you want the patient.
Prevent the disease is always easier than cure. Try to get involved in pornography or less do not watch it. And then you do not need the services of a psychoanalyst. If possible, protect from pornography their children to such a problem is not there and they have.