If you are stockings that without additional support is not used, you will help a special belt. Pay particular attention to the choice of a special belt. Today, it is increasingly used as an accessory for love games. But, despite this, you will know how to fix him stockings necessary. The belt can be made from a variety of materials - leather, patent leather fabrics, suede etc. However, it is best to choose the model that made maximum use of natural materials. It is not very nice when the naked body in contact with the skin or something similar.
Belt worn necessarily on a naked body. First place on the thighs and fasten. Then lift it around the waist. Check whether he is sitting on you. The belt should not hang out too, or can "go" down for stockings. Also, the belt should not press or squeeze. Remember the golden rule associated with a belt - you must be in it convenient and comfortable. If it is not, it is better to choose a different model.
Each is equipped with a belt buckles with pazhikami. There should be at least 4. Put stockings and carefully fasten them to the top buckle. Do not be afraid that the tear. On these models, the compact provides a broad band at the top of the product specifically for fastening. First the front, then from behind. This will have a bit tricky. If not work, then call for help from someone very close - my mother or sister.
Need particularly close call just because you wear panties already on top of the belt. After all, if break the sequence of putting on, you will be quite difficult to even go to the toilet - have to dismantle the entire structure. And since you will not be limited in their actions.
Do not forget to also check whether you are comfortable with this accessory. Try to sit or posgibat feet. If you feel uncomfortable, then adjust the length of garters.
Alternatively, you can fasten stockings using garters, which are attached to a special corset or bustier. As a rule, they are sewn to it. Wear and stockings need to fasten on the same principle as in the case with a belt.