If the bag is heavily soiled, you can clean it with warm soapy water. To cleanse use soap or detergent for delicate fabrics. Dampen a sponge or a brush with natural bristles and remove the dirt. Try to keep the suede does not wet from the wrong side. Otherwise it could deteriorate and become rigid. Net bag unfold and place on a towel, folded in several layers. Dried product Suede need at room temperature in a well-ventilated area.
Brown suede bag can be cleaned with a brush dipped in tea leaves. Wait until completely dry. Coffee grounds to remove minor dirt and restore the color of the product.
Bag on stubborn stains treated mixture of ammonia and water, taken in the ratio 1: 4. It is necessary to moisten a sponge in the resulting solution and gently squeeze. Wipe the stain and gently rub the brush for suede - it is sold in shoe stores. Then blot with a towel bag. Do not use force during cleansing - the material can be stretched.
Over time, suede begins to shine. To get rid of them, dissolve in a glass of milk 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Moisten a cotton ball in the resulting liquid and treat bag. You can also wipe zalosnivshiesya areas with 10% ammonia or vinegar.
New bag is best treated with a special spray for suede. It covers the thin film material that repels water and prevents absorbed contaminants. Thereby greatly facilitates the subsequent cleaning.