Men's fragrances in the female hand

Men's fragrances in the female hand
 Modern technology development offers a range of women's fragrances at a different taste. But very often the female half of the population uses the men's fragrance, which is caused by different reasons.

Choose their flavor is quite complicated, as this takes into account the mood, the individual characteristics of the organism, age, time of use, etc. For example, very often the spirits are selected under a certain event, while for everyday use a completely different perfume.

According to the psychologist, the obsession with masculine fragrance can happen for various reasons. The most common causes are a reminder of a loved one by smell, the prevalence of patterns and styles of masculine traits. In the first case, the smell can remind a young man, his father, on a subconscious level that provides protection, confidence and support in any case.

Muzhlanstvo - this is the second reason, which has an impact on the choice of perfume. That is, the woman does not accept the various delicate and floral aromas, which are mainly used ordinary women. They require a sharp and rather tart smell.

Very often, men's fragrances are selected by single women. In this case, masculine scent creates a feeling of being a man nearby. Of course, it is a serious psychological problem that requires an immediate solution.

The most comprehensive category lovers men's fragrances are youth (15-16 years). Moreover, they even can not explain the reason for such a choice, they just love it. Among older women lovers male perfume are becoming rarer and rarer, because they consider such an act brave enough.

But as a rule, all women like this or that masculine scent that reminds them of loved ones or any particular situation with pleasant memories. And if you want to use a favorite flavor, then why not.

Tags: fragrance, perfume, drug