How to choose the right fragrance

How to choose the right fragrance
 Perfume - no less important component of the image than the clothes or makeup. Perfumers say that the flavors are capable of transmitting the inner world of man, and they are absolutely right. The choice of perfume is always individual, then you can not rely on fashion or the opinions of others: that you feel comfortable wearing a particular scent, he should like first of all to you.

Go to the beauty shop for a new scent is necessary in a good mood. Absolutely, your mood will affect the choice. For example, if you're in love, you probably notice the bottle with bright intoxicating content. If you expect to rise up the career ladder, it is probably more like a stylish fresh perfume.

You should not use strong-smelling perfume or cosmetics, intending to choose a new fragrance. Even the slightest odor can change your experience in the store. To feel the flavor of the thinner you liked the bottle, do not spray it in the air or in the cap. For a start, drizzle perfume on a paper strip - blotter, which is in any large store. If you enjoy the flavor, place a drop on the wrist, but do not rub, as you will destroy the molecule, and the smell of perfume will change.

Now the "listen" flavor: the notes that you feel first, called the upper. This is a fragrance that conveys the mood of the perfume. He keeps only about a minute, after which, when exposed to heat your skin, showing middle notes of perfume. They will be "sound" for about an hour. Finally, you will hear the low notes - they the most important thing when choosing a perfume. This fragrance will be a train that will accompany you throughout the day.

It is not necessary immediately to buy your favorite perfume or scented water. Better bring a blotter, soaked them, and from time to time Sniff it. If you are convinced that it is really your perfume - return him to the store.

Remember that at one time can be estimated no more than three fragrances. The rest of your sense of smell is simply not able to correctly perceive. So, if you know what you want about the smell, but do not know which bottle to find it, contact your advisor. Explaining, for example, that you like the aroma of mandarin, you get a few spirits with a similar component.

It is believed that a woman full of happiness must be at least four flavors: to work for the party, for a romantic date and last for themselves - reminiscent of pleasant moments and experiences. However, the number is not important. Much more important is the right to choose and find exactly those spirits that were created especially for you.

Tags: choices, flavor, fragrance