The conditions in which the fetus develops in the womb, are stored in the memory of man, albeit in an unconscious state. Not so long ago, this theory raises a smile skeptics. But with the development of medicine failed to prove that the child's prenatal experience imprinted on his life.
How, for example, may be related to the human tendency to depression and stress of his mother during pregnancy? Stress causes the release of certain hormones that come through the blood to the baby and cause his response - he also begins to worry. In addition, stress hormones can cause premature contractions of the uterus and the baby will "remember" that the effects of stress - the expulsion of the familiar and comfortable world. As an adult, this man any stressful situation will react depression.
Suicidal can "give" the baby's mother, wearing an unwanted child. Moreover, this tendency can manifest itself in a very early age. The mother, who does not want to bear a child and constantly thinking about how to get rid of him posing for the fetus permanently aggressive environment that is imprinted in his memory. A man with such a "fingerprint" for life will feel strange and unnecessary.
In addition to feelings of worthlessness, have unwanted children often develop psychosomatic illnesses - dystonia, a stomach ulcer, ischemic heart disease, etc.
Thanks to the theory of prenatal memory, more expectant mothers devote waiting period only child to him, listen to beautiful music, enjoy the nature, meditate. Any woman who has become a mother, knows that the unborn child is very sensitive perceives what is happening around him. And he not only reacts, but also stores information that would later make its own changes in his behavior and life model.
The human mind perceives the world is very limited and is powerless in dealing with some of life's problems. But the subconscious mind has no boundaries, and the more it will be filled with bright and positive characters, sounds, colors and emotions even before birth, the reality is that this kid will have a chance to achieve harmony with oneself and the world. Feeling even before birth, what is love, tenderness, caring, empathy, the child necessarily will take these feelings in my adult life.