What is happiness, everyone defines it like this: for some it is a big happy family, happy children's laughter, the first word, first step, but for others - the opportunity at any time to go back to where he wants to spend money on yourself or your loved one is not limit their opportunities to express themselves in any sphere, given fully favorite work, etc.
Many couples who can not have children, it is because of this experience, for them it is a great sorrow and a strong psychological shock. But there are people who refuse to have kids of their own accord, they bring a lot of reasons to explain this decision. This can be either "I'm still young enough," "not ready and did not walk up", "spoil the figure" and "why bring children into this cruel world." People who voluntarily give happiness to be parents, are often subjected to attacks and criticism from the familiar, relatives and friends.
Decided to become a childfree - this is not necessarily the people who hate children, they can get along with them, some even take foster, trying thus to make life parentless kids better. Some of voluntarily childless age still come to the birth of children, but the older childfree, the less likely that it will change your outlook on life, ie, reaching 35-40 people most likely will remain childless. Many famous people, actors, scientists, businessmen, and politicians do not want to spend time on the birth and upbringing of offspring, they are looking for and are likely to find happiness in your favorite business, in love fans, luxury and power.
You can not with a clear certainty that happiness only in children, and people who do not have them, unhappy and worthy only of pity or blame. Everyone is looking for happiness as can be. Some believe that the state of happiness is transmitted genetically. Of course, nothing beats a woman happiness of motherhood, but if the person refuses to do so himself, maybe you should not try to force their point of view, and allow to look for happiness wherever he sees fit?