Classes with semolina can be carried out at an early age. Sprinkle a layer thickness of about decoys 2-3 mm on the tray. Smooth. Show your child how to draw, by swiping your finger. Draw simple shapes: circle, triangle, square, etc.
To create a picture with an older child, you should: semolina, cardboard or paper for watercolor, simple pencil, PVA glue, brushes, gouache, a jar of water. Select a story that will portray.
Brush, apply a layer of glue on the paper. Until it is dry, sprinkle it liberally semolina evenly. Wait until dry up blank for a picture.
Then, very gently shake the sheet to remove excess cereals. Now you're ready to paint. Due to the fact that the surface is uneven, clear contours will not work. Make a pencil sketch of light. After that, proceed to the drawing inks.
Take care not to leave empty spaces in the picture that are not covered by the dealer. When the painting is dry, it is necessary to apply varnish to the dealer does not crumble with time.
Can draw semolina using another method. Draw the desired image on the paper. On some of the figure apply glue and sprinkle it in advance with colored grains.
You can paint the brilliant green, iodine, but without adding a lot of water, not to get porridge. Also chop or a simple pencil crayons on a sheet of paper and rub it in the rump until until it will turn. Subtle shades are obtained by mixing the cereal with chopped colored crayons. Can still be lightly fried semolina in a pan.
By drawing from semolina as a decoration, you can add pasta, rice or other grains. Original artifact can be a good gift for a grandparent. Especially if you created it to a specific holiday.