It is considered that urinary incontinence - the problem is mainly children and the elderly. However, what often happens is that a woman is faced with this scourge in the prime of life. She was embarrassed to talk about it with anyone, but this problem and prevent it from actively live a full life: to communicate normally with people, build a career, do daily chores. Constantly have to worry: everything is a "there" in the order or where to find the nearest toilet ...
If you are faced with a similar problem, to begin to understand the reason.
Consider the possible types of incontinence in adult women:
1. Stress incontinence (or stress incontinence) - the most common type of the disease. It manifests itself in the most ordinary actions and movements requiring muscle tension. A small amount of urine output can occur when sneezing, coughing, laughing, lifting heavy bags, sports. It can happen even when the abrupt change position or during intercourse. Any tension of the abdominal muscles can cause involuntary loss of urine.
The main reason for stress urinary incontinence - weakness of the sphincter. Let us explain: sphincter - a muscle that blocks out of the bladder. Normally, the sphincter opens only when directly using the toilet, and in the rest of the time he is in a tightly compressed state. Unfortunately, with age, the functionality of the sphincter for any reason can undergo failures may weaken the sphincter (as, indeed, and other muscles). Very often this phenomenon occurs in menopause: the production of female hormones (estrogen) decreases, the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor are weakened, genitals and bladder fall, reduced muscle tone and elasticity of the sphincter.
Also cause stress urinary incontinence may include:
- Stretching and damage to the nerves and muscles of the pelvic floor after pregnancy and childbirth heavy;
- Trauma and surgery on the pelvic organs;
- Obesity;
- Heredity.
Whatever the cause of stress incontinence, the doctor will help you definitely.
2. Imperative incontinence. Its main symptom is sudden and intolerable desire to urinate. The woman suddenly begins to want the toilet, and at once so much that it is impossible to tolerate. Often, the urge is so strong that the woman did not have time to get to the toilet in time. The problem may overtake a woman at any time and in any place, which of course affects the quality of her life.
The main reason causing the imperative incontinence - Overactive Bladder (uncontrolled reduction). Such a condition may be the result of a neurological disease, infections in the urogenital region, and other pathologies.
Aggravating factors may be external stimuli - the sound of running water, washing dishes, welcome coffee or alcoholic beverages, nervous excitement, the temperature difference. It often happens that a woman begins to want the toilet immediately once out of the house warm in the cold.
3. Mixed incontinence. In this type there are signs of stress as well as the imperative of incontinence. This type of incontinence is the most complicated in terms of diagnosis and treatment.
Do not hang up his nose!
If you are faced with the problem of incontinence, know that you are not alone. Many women suffer from incontinence, but understandably embarrassed to talk about it.
Do not hesitate to visit a urologist, tell him about your problem. Remember, the sooner you see a doctor, the more chance you have once and for all get rid of this disease.
What can be done to alleviate their condition?
1. Adjust diet. Sometimes to get rid of urinary this is enough. Certain foods can irritate the bladder. These products include: carbonated and caffeinated beverages (tea, coffee, soft drinks), alcohol, citrus fruits and juices from them, tomatoes, spicy foods, chocolate, artificial sweeteners.
Try to give up these products, or at least restrict their use. You will see that your condition will improve!
2. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water a day. Lack of water makes urine is too concentrated, it is irritating to the bladder.
3. Perform special exercises Kegel system whose purpose is to strengthen the sphincter of the bladder and rectum. First, tighten and then relax the muscles of the perineum, repeat it many times. In most cases, these exercises can significantly strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, and ultimately reduce the likelihood of involuntary urination.
4. Use special equipment. It is, of course, is not about to put on baby diapers. There are special pads, comfortable and inconspicuous, which completely eliminate the leak, neutralized with a peculiar odor and keeps the skin dry. To reduce the risk of skin irritation and provide maximum comfort, use the "breathing" products (they are on the package icon «Air»).
In any case, remember that it is necessary as soon as possible to see a doctor. Sitting in front of a monitor and doing self-diagnosis, you are wasting your time. Take care of your health right now and let you do this to help professionals.