Once the baby was born, it must be applied to the chest. But unfortunately, not all maternity hospitals there is a rule applying immediately. And a woman may have contraindications to early feeding. Most often this is due to the use of pain relief during labor medicines incompatible with lactation. But as soon as you will have the opportunity to immediately offer the baby the breast. This will signal to the body that need milk.
To exclude food and supplemental bottle. This may adversely affect the breastfed child after getting accustomed food effortlessly. Also try not to give your baby a pacifier at least as long as lactation is established.
Do not wash nipples before each feeding, it will provoke the appearance of cracks. Suffice it to morning and evening showers. Cracks appeared threatening woman advent of mastitis, so they must be treated immediately.
You need to feed your baby on demand. This is not only to adjust the desired amount of milk coming, but will establish a psychological contact of mother and baby.
The child must be properly applied to the chest. If the child is properly captured nipple, then it should be a bit lower lip stuck out. Also in his mouth must be the entire areola. This will prevent injury to the delicate skin of the breast.
Choosing the right posture helps evenly ravage all parts of the breast. To do this, remember the rule: that portion is released, which is opposite to the chin of the baby.
The child must independently determine the time spent at the breast. Since Soviet times There is a misconception that the baby can eat only for 20-30 minutes. It should be borne in mind that the newborn tires easily and suckles not all the time. Therefore, allow him to decide when to end.
Be sure to feed your baby at night. That night feedings stimulate milk flow for the entire next day. This is because during the period from 8am to 3 is amplified prolactin, a hormone responsible for milk.
The amount of milk depends on how often the child is applied to the chest. So no further express breast after feeding. This will trigger the production of excess milk.
Expressing necessary only when the stagnation. To detect the seal, you must check for themselves daily chest.
Up to six months a child who is breastfed does not need additional food and drink. Breast milk contains enough liquid necessary for the child. The only exception is the time when it's very hot.
Women at least the first 2 months of baby's life should always be near him and often rest. Let loved ones will be treated with understanding your new role and are not forced to do housework. In the period of lactation is very important positive mood mother and self-confidence.