The use of coffee in the fight against cellulite

The use of coffee in the fight against cellulite
 Coffee - a unique product that benefits in the fight against cellulite, regardless of the method of use. The main condition - must be brewed coffee, soluble compounds are absolutely useless and does not help to cope with stagnant processes.

Cup of coffee in the morning will help bring the accumulated fluid in the tissues, which leads to the formation of edema. Together with the liquid from the body are derived toxins processed products. Correctly brewed coffee is always dense thick - it is used for making coffee scrubs and masks effectively fighting cellulite manifestations on the thighs and buttocks.

The scrub is universal - coffee grounds mixed with sour cream or cream (can be changed to vegetable oil), add a few spoonfuls of liquid honey and applied to the body. Vigorous rubbing help scrub act - dead skin cells otshelushatsya, and the surface smoothed. Apply such formulations is necessary immediately after a shower, when the skin is warmed up and receptive.

Wraps with the creation of the greenhouse effect - an effective and proven way to eliminate the orange peel. The mask can be left in the same, but you can replace some of the ingredients - add sea salt, essential oils, oatmeal. The mixture is applied to problem areas, spread evenly over the skin, wrapped with plastic wrap. Top you can wear tight clothing or shelter blanket. This way of getting rid of cellulite is effective and can achieve good results after just a few treatments.

Anti-cellulite massage is effective if used instead of butter coffee mixture. Seeds should be well grind coffee, add to them a small amount of olive or peach butter, mix composition and applied to the skin. Massage movements should be soft and careful in order to avoid damage and irritation of the skin. At the end of the massage the mixture should be washed off with warm water.

For daily impact on the problem areas of the body can use the usual shower gel. Add to it a little coffee grounds, shake the bottle and your remedy for cellulite is ready.

Tags: cellulite, use, body scrub, wrestling