The plan of salvation figures after the party

The plan of salvation figures after the party
 Fun, bubbly river, delicious dishes ... How it all pass by? Of course, no way. So begins the following day with the analysis of the "flight". Excesses rare for someone in vain, but seeing in the mirror hanging from his belt jeans tummy, do not immediately panic. How quickly it ate, quickly and deal with it.

We will fight with a tummy most accessible and effective methods: sport and diet.

Begins with a nutrition program. If you otelis at a party, then the next day you can arrange a fasting day. If it was a series of events, you will need to further restrict their normal daily diet of 500 calories. How to do it? Just eliminate all sugary drinks, and in general all the luxuries that you have succumbed during the holidays should be excluded. A waiver of a sandwich with cheese will remove from your diet as much as 200-250 calories. If you absolutely can not without sweets, eat low-fat yogurt and fruit.

In parallel with the adjustment of supply enjoy a fitness exercise. They will help burn extra calories and the same tummy tucked, treacherously hanging over his pants. Exercise can be as follows:

- Lie on the floor, stretch your arms behind his head, legs straight. Exhale, lift the torso, hands over his head, squeezing her thighs together. Slowly lower yourself while breathing. Return to its original position. The slower this exercise is carried out, in order to perform better. Repeat 8-20 times.

- Lie on your back, bend your knees, hands on his head. Tap the right elbow of the left knee, the delay 3 seconds, then left elbow - right. Return to starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.

- Now, lie on your stomach, stretch your arms and legs. Raise your right arm and leg. In the upper position pause for 5 seconds. Then, without coming down, repeat the movement for the left side. Motion similar to the motion of the swimmer. Do not lower yourself to the floor until you have done the same 10 times.

Performing exercises, do not forget about proper breathing, focus on the implementation of each exercise, trying to feel all the muscles at the moment napryazheniya.Pomimo drill press, go Pilates, which can transform your figure. He works all the muscles of the abdomen and not so burdensome as regular exercise.

If the time for a full lesson you do not - do hidden exercises: sitting at the table, standing in the subway, walking down the street, strain the press. Then your tummy quickly remember what it feels like to be fit.

Tags: plan, party, Ambassador, figure, salvation, excess