The most effective means atitsellyulitnye

The most effective means atitsellyulitnye
 Young beauty with chiseled figures, fun staring with glossy pages, star wife in open dresses, and then appeared in fashion programs often meet ordinary girls and women to believe that the only place where they could come up - a group of anti-cellulite . Although problems often these girls are far-fetched, unrealistic.

This is a profound misconception that cellulite can only be a plump women. After all, he's not quite fat, and fat cells, patients who stopped to allocate their waste products, but instead accumulate them inside. As a result of growing beads under the skin, which on the outside looks like orange peel roughness on, because of what is often called cellulite and "orange disease."

Furthermore, different stages of cellulitis occurs. The first stage is considered the norm, even the second and third can be taken for an external fault, but only the fourth stage, when it begins to turn blue and hurt the skin, is a pathology.

In order to get rid of cellulite and prevent him grow into the last stage, is not enough just to remove the defective cells surgically. After a while there will be new, and as head of the serpent Dragon, in large quantities. And if you take a course of anti-cellulite baths, effect also will not hold forever. This problem requires constant and careful attention.

Need to constantly perform a set of activities: making a special massage, take a bath, use scrubs and creams, go to the bath, to conduct wraps. This does not mean that the struggle will have to pay all of their free time. Suffice it to two or three times a week to take a bath prepared by a special recipe: 1 kg of sea salt and a glass of milk. Instead of milk, you can use chamomile tincture or five drops of citrus oil. Lie in a bath need not passively, but constantly stroking, massaging problem areas, of which you yourself know better than any doctor or beautician. After bathing the skin need to rub anti-cellulite cream that your skin is better tolerated.

You can deal with them in mind. Use gel scrub the shower to remove dead skin particles and let every pore breath. Special anti-cellulite washcloth, as well as the bathroom, you need to massage the hips, buttocks, abdomen. This is not labor intensive massage helps run the active circulation of blood that flow washes away toxins and dead cells and removes them from the body.

We must not forget about proper nutrition. Be sure to exclude from the diet of sweet, flour, fat, salt. Eat fruits, nuts, low-fat cheeses, fish, cereals. Perfect green tea without sugar, but if very difficult to resist the sweet, you can add a spoonful of honey.

Tags: means cellulite