Sunburn: Harm and benefits

 "There is nothing worse than skin color aspirin" - said the legendary Coco Chanel and thus introduced the fashion for a tan. It was more than half a century, but we continue to make chocolate golden hue with maniacal obsession. Ways to weight: you can go to the edge of the sun, a couple of times a week to go and see a tanning salon or buy a special cream-tan. We decided to deal with plus-minus most popular "zagaratelnyh" procedures. And So ...

Cream and lotion tanning effect

You can buy in any store. The price depends on the brand of the manufacturer, the average - 300-500 rubles. The result appears after about two weeks of regular (2 times daily) use.


• Is the fastest and most friendly way of tanning.
• Used instead of the usual moisturizing body lotion.
• emphasizes natural tan.
• Relatively inexpensive costs.


• leave marks on light-colored clothing.
• Not recommended for use for people suffering from hormonal disorders and skin diseases.
• Do not allow to predict the color of the sun as a result.
• Sometimes gives the skin too yellow, unnatural hue.
• Does not provide protection from the sun.
• has a specific, not very pleasant smell.

Air Art

Standard salon treatment. The technology is simple: beautician with a special device sprays on the body lotion, which are not based pigment sugarcane. After applying the pigment instantly appears on the skin and gives it a beautiful bronze color. The average cost of a single procedure - about 2500 rubles.


• It is a safe way of tanning, which may resort even people with skin diseases such as psoriasis, age spots, etc.
• Provides firming and anti-aging effect due to pigment sugar cane (which is included in the lotion)
• Evenly lightens 5-10 days after the procedure, leaving no stains on the skin.
• Do not leave stains on clothes.
• Procedures for applying lotion preceded body scrub that dramatically smoothes skin texture, giving it a soft, gently cleanses.


• Gives a short-lived effect at a sufficiently high value.
• You can not do at home.
• Does not provide protection from the sun.

Natural sun

No comment. Bask in the sun with the same success can be anywhere - on the Cote d'Azur or on the pond with his grandmother in the village. They say, however, that the river and sea tan differ in shade, but cosmetologists assure that all depends solely on skin type and the residence time under UV rays.


• Provides the most natural and even tan.
• Increases total protein in blood, increase enzyme activity.
• Under their influence, strengthens the immune system, accelerates the production of vitamin D, strengthens muscles and bones, and helps fight stress and depression.


• Increases the risk of skin cancer and breast cancer.
• causes premature aging of the skin (in the case of excessive sun exposure - more than 30 minutes per day)
• Increases the risk of getting a solar or heat stroke.


By far the most popular way to tan. Solariums are divided into horizontal (tan lying earned) and vertical, or turbo solarium (sun bath taken in a standing position). In the tanning bed lamps are used average power, the duration of the session is 15-20 minutes. In turbo solarium lamps more powerful, so the session is not to exceed 12 minutes. The average price per minute - 15-20 rubles.


• Allows you to get an even tan even in winter, which is especially important in our latitudes.
• is a residual quick and inexpensive way to tan.
• Does not have a damaging effect on the skin's elasticity. Modern solariums completely exclude the presence of malicious (depleting cells of collagen and elastin) C-rays.


• Lots of contraindications. In particular, people with serious problems of the cardiovascular system, active tuberculosis, asthma, blood disorders, increased thyroid function, swelling, varicose veins (or with a predisposition to it), acute inflammatory processes and is not recommended for pregnant women solarium . In addition, it is not necessary to visit a solarium for people with fever, those who are taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs, psychotropic and diuretics (these drugs cause photosensitivity, ie, increase the skin's sensitivity to UV light, which is why it can burn easily).

• May intensify acne.

• Causes skin photoaging.

• It increases the risk of developing melanoma - a malignant tumor of the skin. (Especially prone to this danger are people who have very light skin, blond and red hair)

Tags: use, review, tanning