Smooth as silk. What method of hair removal you choose?

Smooth as silk. What method of hair removal you choose?
 Women spend thousands of years to get rid of unwanted hair, wanting to reach the ideal of beauty and perfect smooth skin. With each generation, and even methods of hair removal improved the year, and sometimes we are faced with a difficult task - which of them is best suited? So, what methods of hair removal are there?

The easiest and most common - is an ordinary shaving. This method differs accessibility and speed, with it is quite possible to cope on their own and achieve quite good results, only to choose the right razor and following some basic safety precautions. Thus, the blades must always be clean and new, they are not in any case be rust. Before applying should rinse the razor with hot water. Use soap is undesirable since it greatly dry skin. Special gel or foam with a neutral ph-level and moisturizing or soothing extracts make the skin soft and smooth. The obvious and most annoying cons of using a razor - is the fragility of the result, as the small bristles may appear even just a day.

An alternative to shaving is increasingly becoming a special use of depilatory creams that gently dissolve the hair. After applying the cream for a few minutes, it is removed special spatula (and sometimes the so-called safety razor - something like a conventional razor blade, but made of high quality plastic) or sponge. Hairs are completely removed from the skin surface and the skin a little smoother than after the usual shaving - by the fact that the hair is not cut off, and dissolved. Disadvantages of this method - potential allergy and irritation (although manufacturers produce and special versions for very sensitive skin), as well as the relative fragility, because the hairs start to grow after a couple of days.

In order to achieve the result of longer possible to use a wax. The hot wax is applied to the skin and hair, and then, after cooling, was withdrawn abruptly, removing hairs from the root. The effect can last up to a month - and if used correctly Waxing is very attractive. However, this method has disadvantages. For example, many women complain of frequent ingrown hairs, but this problem can be easily avoided, and carefully rugulyarno otshelushivaya and moisturize the skin. Pain is also quite significant disadvantage, so psychologically often easier to professionals in the salon.

Electric appliance also provides a long-lasting effect, but the problems encountered in applying this method, about the same as that of the wax: ingrown hair pain. Need to deal with them and with the right care. Epilators enough, every girl can choose a suitable Statement for the price and possible necessary functions: purification of the nozzle, cooling, massage attachments.

If you want to get rid of hair permanently, the master can not do without. Known methods - laser and photo-epilation - the hair is removed in a few visits and stages (6 to 8) and for all. If you do not have a serious hormonal problems - they are unlikely to rise again. The laser operates mainly in dark hair (because they have a lot of melanin) and ineffective in respect of fair-haired and light. Epilation has a thermal effect which destroys the hair follicle. By the way, photoepilation can be done at home, if you got the machine home. However, this should be done after consultation with a specialist and several procedures performed by a professional.

Tags: epilation wax method, silk, shaving