Secrets of a beautiful tan

Secrets of a beautiful tan
 Nice tan gives the figure an additional attraction. What could be nicer than lying in the sun with the sound of the surf? But the gentle rustle of the waves must not relax you to such an extent that you forget about the amount of time allotted for sunbathing.
 With the first days of summer, many of the fair sex are beginning to think about a nice tan. It is considered that it depends on. Of course, it can easily hide small imperfections of the skin and improve the appearance. But do not forget about the negative consequences of excessive exposure to sunlight and exposure to the sun deck. The result is an increased proliferation of different viruses and bacteria, which leads to the aggravation and the emergence of dangerous diseases.

Man can not live without the sun. In any case, it is necessary and curative effects. According to research statistics on depression and suicide, most of them are subject to the Nordic countries, where there is a lack of sunlight and heat. In autumn and winter, doctors advise to spend more time in natural daylight, as under its influence in the human body formed endorphins - substances that contribute to a good mood and a feeling of satisfaction.

If you decide to winter break and lie in the sun in warm countries, do not forget that tan in different climatic zones falls unequally. A tan, resulting in the solarium can do harm to you, especially if you - the owner of the bright and delicate skin. Be sure to talk to his visit with the doctor. Should seriously consider and determine what type of skin you have and how much you can stay in the sun, so that your tan was nice and went to benefit.

For a beautiful and even tan should be observed at least a few universal rules. Do not take sun baths from 10:00 to 16:00, to protect themselves from too intense sunlight. Do not forget to take a wide-brimmed hat and put on lip balm protection after removing from the face of the rest of makeup. In case of involuntary exposure to the sun, wear clothing with long sleeves and pants, for example, viscose. Be sure to use protective creams to protect the well-chosen number, given the presence in the water. When planning a trip to the beach, do not spend the day before peeling and cleaning of the skin, do not go to the sauna or steam bath. All these activities will leave your skin without the protective layer, and you run the risk of scorch. There is one rule: do not light up if you are taking antibiotics or potent drugs.

Tags: secret tan