Ideal stomach - it's easy!

Ideal stomach - it's easy!
 Many women are more likely to care about their figure tummy, who wants to remove, to make perfectly flat. This is particularly a problem occurs on the eve of holidays, when it comes to undress on the beach under the watchful eye of a strong half.

Today, many salons offer special procedures and the whole program to cleanse the body and restore the ideal of the abdomen. These complexes include whirlpool baths, vacuum lymphatic drainage of the body, stimulating complex wraps, jet underwater massage and many other procedures performed by most modern apparatami.Konechno same, such procedures cost money. But there are simpler and more economically costly ways to achieve a perfect flat stomach.

The most important thing when you restore a flat stomach - the observance of proper nutrition and exercise.
To do this, you must revise its regular menu, to exclude him from fatty foods, do not eat a lot of sweets, bakery and confectionery products. Need to eat more fruits and vegetables, dairy products and fish. The usefulness of various whole grain cereal. Try not to eat after six pm.

As for exercise, the most effective for the perfect tummy - it's Workout for the strengthening and the formation of his muscles. It is best to perform the exercises in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition to training press fit morning jog or cycling.

Physical activity helps to strengthen muscles and accelerate metabolism. And this leads to burning calories, decrease body shapes. When you exercise, you will increase muscle mass and body fat disappear. Particularly on the scales do not look as muscle is heavier than fat, and your weight will not change much. But significantly reduced waist and hips.

Drill press should be done regularly, two or three times a week at a fast pace and with the maximum number of repetitions. Do the exercises to fatigue. And be sure to watch for breathing.

If possible, an additional pool or visit a dance hall. It also will provide additional load on the muscles. Besides, it's not just a sport, but also pleasant, the opportunity to meet new people. After a month of proper nutrition and sports exercises, your stomach will look perfect.

Tags: stomach, tummy