How to wash off tan

How to wash off tan
 Improper application of tanning can give you a nasty surprise. Instead, beautiful skin color chocolate you get spots and stains. However, do not panic: this situation is remedied.

Very often before an important event we decide to do good looks and suddenly become a queen. As a rule, it is not limited to a standard visit to a beauty salon: the desire to look tanned and rested pushes a very risky move - the application of bronzer on the eve of the celebration. But in the morning in the mirror can be shocking, because the wrong application of the agents may lie terrifying red spots and stains.

Only one way out - to wash off tan, at least partially. Despite the fact that this is not make-up, and with soap and water in this case, you will not manage, the output is still there.

To begin with a few words theory. The active substance of any tanning - degidroksiatseton, which reacts with the proteins of the skin. This substance does not penetrate into the body, turning only the upper, and in fact, already dead layers of skin. A few days later he disappears with exfoliating the skin. Therefore, the aim of any method for emergency flushing tanning - lighting with simultaneous exfoliation.

One of the most effective ways - how to steam the skin, and then apply the scrub. Lie
 in a hot bath for 10-15 minutes (in the water you can add a few handfuls of baking soda), and then carefully rub the skin with a stiff brush or salt mixed with a shower gel. Of course, in this case it is important not overzealous not traumatize the skin. You can go to the bath and use the same peeling there. Instead of salt suitable ground coffee, but keep in mind that it will give the skin a little brownish tint. Therefore, coffee is relevant only in the case when you want to get rid of the divorce and get a more even tone.

If you can not steaming, lighten up the skin a few shades will help oil and lemon: a few times these products alternate wiping with a cotton pad.

For small, but very dark spots and stains, you can use more radical substance: 99% alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or liquid for hairdressers such as "Lock". However, such tools should be treated with great caution. First try a small area of ​​the body and follow the reaction of the skin.

It should be noted that the face is suitable not for each of the above methods. For example, any peeling after steaming can cause reddening of the skin. On the skin, proceed very slowly and delicately. Use, for example, almond oil, then apply a mask of clay pharmacy that has a bleaching effect.

Tags: spot, divorce, tanning, scrub