How to take infrared sauna

How to take infrared sauna
 Sweating - a natural process that helps the body cleansed of accumulated toxins. To enhance its use infrared waves, whose medicinal properties have been confirmed by many studies. They improve blood flow, oxygen saturation and body metabolism and, therefore, activate the immune system.
 Before taking heat applications in the infrared sauna, you need to prepare. To do this, heat the air in it to 35 ° C, including the relevant function, and do them: wash off makeup, prepare two or three towels (underneath himself and wiped the sweat), strip (the less you wear, the better), drink water and take with you.

The first 10 minutes in the infrared sauna is an accumulation of energy, there is no significant sweating. Then begins withdrawal of water from the subcutaneous space and accelerates the growth of body temperature, resulting in about 20 minutes a new wave of sweating. Do not take longer than infrared sauna for 30-40 minutes. Do not forget to drink water, preferably mineral.

For fresh air can open the door, it will not affect the effectiveness of the procedure, the main thing in it is not the air temperature and the temperature of the heaters. Not necessarily all the time to sit or lie down, you can stretch your muscles, do yourself a massage. To warm up a certain area of ​​the body - Move closer to his heater. You can use this time to care for hair, put on them medical or nutritional agents, wrap head with a towel. If at this time shaved leg, the skin will be smooth and even, without gels, creams.

After turning off the sauna is not in a hurry to go, sit, let him finish the process of sweating and body slowly cooled. Take a warm shower that will wash away all the toxins through sweat, rinse hair well and then sit back and relax.

Before using the infrared sauna necessarily need to consult with a doctor on whether you have contraindications. Particular care should be children, pregnant women, people with cardiovascular and chronic diseases, those who have implants (especially silicone), pacemakers.

On average, an infrared sauna is recommended to take no more than two sessions a day. Just to remember is that it is better not frequent and regular procedures. As a result, you will feel good and energized.

Tags: sauna session, the action