How to get rid of cellulite folk remedies: Cellulite Treatment folk remedies

 Unfortunately, very few women have never experienced cellulite. The first signs of orange peel effect, we almost do not notice. However, there is a way to check. To do this, squeeze the hand skin, and in the presence of cellulite, you will see a grainy subcutaneous layer. If the test was positive, it is time to start to take decisive action, including massage, fitness, contrast showers, baths with ivy and horsetail, special cosmetic preparations. Today we talk about a folk remedy for cellulite.

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First of all, it is necessary to accelerate the circulation. With this excellent cope massage. It accelerates blood circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system and promotes the resorption of fat and breaking up hardened areas.

For daily massage be sure to use a soft bristle brush or matting; for a more intense massage - special wooden, plastic or electric massagers. Start massage with gentle movements, rising from the ankles up to the calves, knees and hips. When you get to the buttocks, should strengthen the intensity and pace of the massage.

Areas with "orange peel" should be massaged in a circular motion using a special anti-cellulite cream. However, instead of all sorts of cosmetic products, you can usefolk remedies for celluliteFor example, sea salt. We must bear in mind that this massage is impossible to do more than 1 time per week.

Anti-cellulite bath with aromatic oils

About the healing power aromamasel heard, perhaps many, but not all used, but in vain! After all, some of them raise their spirits, make us more energetic, others on the contrary are relaxing, and some - soften and smooth the skin. While bathing, you can use aromatherapy oils or decoctions of horsetail, ivy and horse chestnut, which tone the skin and remove excess fluid from the body.

Rosemary aromatic oil stimulates blood flow, juniper and geranium displays excess fluid from the body, but you should know that people suffering from kidney disease and pregnant women, these aromatic oils are contraindicated. Excellent softening effect has lavender oil, and cypress - astringent.

However, no matter how magical properties not possessed cosmetics andfolk remedies for celluliteThey must be used in conjunction with a healthy eating and exercise. Therefore, do not buy overpriced cream, it will be enough to holdCellulite Treatment folk remedies and every morning to do exercises. Be sure to include in your diet plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and do not overdo it on sweets or fatty. Avoid carbonated drinks and refrain from smoking.

Simple folk remedies for cellulite

Peel the potatoes, cut them into slices and place on a place of education "orange peel", cover with a plastic bag and soak for half an hour. Then remove the wrap and rinse with warm water. You can do this procedure very often and at any time. The effectiveness results from the fact that the potato enhances intracellular metabolism.

Will also helpget rid of cellulite folk remedy on this recipe: Take any vegetable oil and mix with the powder of ginger. Then rub into problem areas. After the massage, be sure to wash your hands, because ginger can burn the skin, but it increases the metabolism and blood circulation, which helps a lot with stagnation.

Another proven method of cellulite - make coffee in the Turks and thick, the rest on the bottom, rub into problem areas for 20 minutes. You can also lubricate the trouble spots honey, or mix coffee with honey, then put on your skin. And the coffee grounds - a great scrub. The skin after it becomes soft and velvety, and the smells of coffee.

Tatiana Tkachenko
Women's magazine JustLady

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