How to enlarge breasts

How to enlarge breasts
 Beautiful and firm breasts is the standard of female beauty for many modern people. But, unfortunately, not all women nature so generously endowed. And not everyone has the ability and desire to go under the surgeon's knife to make perfect shapes. But there are a number of exercises that will not only increase the size of this part of the female body, but also give it elasticity and natural form. But it is necessary to understand that you need to perform these exercises every day - the only way to achieve noticeable results.
 Stand up straight and straighten your back. Raise your hands to chest level so that the palms touching. Now tightly with the lower parts of the palms and Hold this position for 3 seconds. Now relax. During this exercise, you should feel how tense the pectoral muscles.

Stand with your legs apart at shoulder width. Put your left hand on your hip. Right hand starts to make a circular motion forward - there should be 3. Now take a three turning back. Place your right hand on your hip and do the same exercise with your left hand. In one approach should be repeated at 5 exercises for each hand.

Stand facing a wall at arm's length. Lean against the wall with both hands. Now begin to approach her, slowly bending your elbows. As close to the wall, begin to build on her hands. Exercise should be repeated at least 10-15 times in one go.

Lie on the floor face down. Hands bend at the elbows and let down his head. Now start to raise your elbows and chest, trying as much as possible off the floor. Then you can go down to the floor, his head turned to one side. Repeat the exercise for at least 6 times in one go.

Get down on the floor and kneel. Lean hands on the floor. Keep your head on the trunk level. Now quickly lower your upper body by bending your elbows. Then begin to rise slowly, straining his pectoral muscles.

In addition to exercise, also need care and feeding. For example, it is useful douches, which improves blood circulation and makes the skin supple.

It is also useful, and once a week to wipe the chest with ice made from parsley broth or any herb.

If you want to enlarge your breasts, be sure to regularly visit the pool, because swimming is just the sport that develops the chest muscles.

Tags: chest, exercise, increase