How to choose a cream for tanning

How to choose a cream for tanning
 For residents of the country where winter lasts sometimes for more than three months, a solarium - a real find. Here you can get a tan all year round regardless of the weather outside. But do not forget that the skin needs protection, as well as in the summer when you are sunbathing under the sun.

Choose the cream tanning need for your skin type. If you are the first type of skin - very light, barely acquiring a tan, you need special protection. Sunblock should have maximum protection properties, especially if you have sensitive skin. In the cream should contain antioxidants that strengthen the defense.

For fair-skinned people of European type, which is good tan in the sun without burning and acquire tan after a few treatments, cream suit with amplifiers tanning solarium.

Use creams with Tingle effect people with the skin is not recommended.

If you have dark skin, cream suit with bronzatorami. This special creams that contain extracts of henna or other natural dyes, reinforcing action solarium, then tan becomes more saturated color.

For people with dark skin cream available with Tingle effect. With this tanning effect manifests itself on the skin within a few hours by increasing subcutaneous skin microcirculation. But do not forget that if you have varicose veins or sensitive skin, this cream you strictly contraindicated.

Tanning cream and divided into age groups, because with age the skin requires a strong UV protection. For mature skin cream manufacturers create unique ingredients that moisturize and fight against aging.

Tags: skin cream, solarium, protection