Grooming and beauty: what's the difference?

Grooming and beauty: what's the difference?
 Beauty and grooming is often considered synonymous. However, well-groomed girl is not necessarily recognized beauty and girl with model looks can run itself so that any ugly would be beneficial to look at her background.
 Beauty - a gift, and grooming - hard work

If you are destined to be born beautiful, you have the perfect profile, bust and healthy shine. Other girls in order to achieve such a profile, it is necessary to go under the surgeon's knife to get hold of a toned bust - three times a week to engage in the gym, as well as long hair and pick a shade's Skin funds. You also probably do not know these problems. You wake up in the morning, look in the mirror - and see the beauty there. A woman whom nature cheated beauty, but gave persistence, carefully avoids meeting with mirrors so long as to make a mask of enlarged pores and hair removal of excess facial hair. The beauty of nature, and you have provided a good genetics - that's all. A well-groomed girl she achieves healthy hair and skin, nice complexion and a perfect waistline.

Men are more likely to pay attention to well-groomed girls

A girl who loves to take care of themselves, will never go out on the street with the dirt under the fingernails or oily hair. It will feel uncomfortable. A beautiful woman can forget about the visit to the hairdresser - she perceives its own visual appeal granted, ignoring the split ends of hair and seared. Why? Men and so are required to be stacked at the sight of her shapely legs and a Hollywood smile. No one will notice that it is wrong or has cut bangs too lazy to do a manicure.

Beauty more demanding

These girls think that they all have a duty. After all it is - a unique, unique, stunning! So she subconsciously convinced that deserves all the privileges - whether it be going to college or a job interview. Having been refused, she was genuinely surprised and greatly offended, while the girl, accustomed to care for themselves and maintain their attractive price own efforts, more rested and really look at things.

Tags: girl, beauty, the difference