Gorgeous breasts: Myths and Realities

Gorgeous breasts: Myths and Realities
 Many girls dream of beautiful breasts - male subject of admiration and envy of other women. Disputes about what can be considered a female bust fairest, do not cease for years, and have generated, in turn, a lot of myths.

The ideal shape and size of the female bust, probably does not happen. In antiquity valued not very big breasts rounded shape. Middle Ages "pleased" ladies of all classes indiscriminate rickets, which is why (and not because of the machinations of the Inquisition) women had to settle for minimalism in the chest. Renaissance splendor returned the female bust, which has reached obscene proportions in the Baroque era. What they say: even during the XX century "fashion" on the flat or feminine bust me practically every decade. Therefore, this is exactly the case when the "size and shape do not matter" is set to only the degree of elasticity and well-groomed.

The same goes for plastics: no matter what form, and what size was not at the bust, the main thing that surgery does not hurt in the future health of women, including breast health.

People are born with a certain amount of muscle fibers are genetically determined. Theoretically breast pump can be only up to a size that was at one of the close relatives, whose name and appearance erased in the mists of time. So often such cases, when still alive mother and grandmother, owner of magnificent forms, look next to his daughter and granddaughter to the size of the breast tends to zero as the inhabitant of another planet.

Yet, gymnastics, certainly useful for the chest muscles. Just make it necessary to regularly, strengthening and supporting not only muscle tone, but its a good mood at the sight of a small but resilient bust.

Medicines whose use is far from being discovered all the adverse effects on the health of women every year are used increasingly. The trouble is that they contain hormones (or plant hormones, the mechanism of action of which are still not fully understood). And bust increased slightly with them in size, will lose all its splendor, as soon as the course assigned, God forbid, your doctor will come to an end. The consequences of uncontrolled admission of hormones can be unpredictable, up to infertility.

Therefore much safer to use conventional cosmetics. Breast size they are, of course, will not increase, but light daily massage with their application is very useful for her health.

Ineradicable myth about the benefits of cabbage for breast enlargement is not used as an excuse for jokes just lazy. The persistence of this myth is most likely connected with the practical availability required for the "growth" of breast product. However, if you eat cabbage every day, harm will not do, and vitamin C, contained in it in decent quantities, contribute to a better absorption of nutrients, and, accordingly, the general state of health. And on his chest, "found in a cabbage" in polite society better not to mention.

Tags: breast, bust, reality, myth