Delicate care of a decollete

Delicate care of a decollete
 Decollete is considered the most sensitive area of ​​the female body. It's not just her bashful integrity, but also in the fact that the skin there is very delicate and the most susceptible to age-related changes. Care it must be both intense and delicate to preserve youth and do no harm.
 Modern methods of care for decollete differently than cosmetic art, and not name. They usually consist of several stages. All stages - a very delicate procedure, helps the skin to restore a healthy appearance, elasticity and freshness.

In the beginning it is necessary to make the peeling procedure. Made it very gentle hypoallergenic creams. They do not injure the skin, but only remove the top layer of dead skin cells.

Then remove excess cream with gentle tonic formula. For cleaning delicate massage tonic should décolleté. During the massage, various emulsions, which return the skin a healthy look. Massage affects muscle decollete and in no way does not harm the skin.

The final procedure is collagen mask. This is nothing like moisturizing with a strong lifting effect. The mask remains on the decollete for 30 minutes. That's how much time is needed to skin cells were filled with moisture. When it happened, at the bust applied a special concentrate, and that the bulk of the ends.

This procedure should be repeated after 3 months and do it regularly. Also, at home once a month, to be applied on the chest mask collagen.

As a result of skin care decollete becomes incredibly fresh and tightened. After treatment improves even internal health.

This course can be used not only to eliminate the age-related changes, but also in order to eliminate the effects of sun exposure and make an even skin tone.

To eliminate pronounced age-related changes, the most effective is mesotherapy. Cocktail of individually chosen homeopathic ingredients and vitamins, the finest needles inserted under the skin of the bust. For those who are strongly against the injection there bezynektsionnaya mesotherapy. Serum literally hammered under the skin of oxygen molecules.

The result of this therapy remains for many months. And the skin of the bust pleased with their smart, resilient and even tone.

High technology care decollete is resurfacing. The method consists in the fact that the wave intensity of light affect the skin of the bust and in cells include mechanisms of natural regeneration of collagen fibers. Triggers its long renovation. Before the impact of skin is covered with a special conductive gel. First rays penetrate into the surface layers of the skin, and then deep. Thus the skin is updated at all levels.

As a result of this policy, and smooth fine wrinkles of the major, and starts independently to produce collagen.

Tags: massage, mask, care, sitting, bust, method, mesotherapy procedure, cleavage, photorejuvenation