Care decollete and neck summer

Care decollete and neck summer
 During summer, every girl takes the opportunity to wear feminine and elegant dresses and revealing clothes, which means that all people will be able to see around her neck and chest area. The woman looked stunning, the skin on the neck and décolleté should be well-groomed and beautiful.

To do this, every woman should get a special means to care for decollete, suitable to a particular skin type.

Applying sunscreen on your face on a sunny day, do not forget about the neck and chest - they also require protection from UV radiation. The regular use of barrier cream to avoid the appearance of freckles, age spots and premature wrinkles.

From time to time visit a beautician for a professional cosmetic peeling - it will improve the texture of the skin, making it more fresh and supple. Once or twice a week is necessary to massage the neck and chest area using an exfoliant gel base and use special firming and hydrating mask. Masks should be kept on the skin for half an hour, and can make their own hands at home.

For example, a good refreshing mask obtained from any soft fruit slices, soaked in milk. Rub a slice of the skin of the neck and neck, then rinse with cool water. Also, the mask can be made from the warmed olive oil mixed with lemon juice and two tablespoons of cottage cheese mixed with orange juice. Curd mask helps to get rid of age spots.

The skin will be more supple and elastic, if peels and masks to combine with special cosmetic products that contain collagen.

Make the skin more elastic and help morning procedure using ice cubes. Just wash them, do not forget about your neck and chest area.

Strengthen the muscles and skin of the neck and chest, a simple toning exercises - tilt your head back and forth, and then left and right 15 times. Do circular movements of the head - a semicircle on the front, on the back semicircle, and finally full circle. These exercises if you do them regularly will help maintain the neck skin in good shape.

Tags: skin, neck, summer, care, zone procedure neckline