6 water treatments for body and soul

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 Appeal to the healing powers of water was a natural and familiar even to the most ancient times. Today, in the age of plastic surgery and advanced cosmetics, the demand in the SPA-procedures, including water, without losing its leading position. This is entirely due to the fact that water has a truly magical properties.
 Bath (with mineral water, sea water, turpentine)

The simplest SPA-procedures, but no less effective - a warm bath. There are many different types of therapeutic baths - this turpentine baths, and baths with sea water, and soda and tonic, and relaxing.
Depending on what goals you want to achieve, choose the appropriate. For example, a bath with seaweed extract and sea salt will not only help to cope with being overweight and flabby skin, but also the perfect place to relax and calm the nervous system.

You can make this water treatments and at home. To this solution 500 grams of water, sea salt and pour the concentrated extract of seaweed. The temperature of the water must not be more than 35-37 degrees, and the bath about 15 minutes.

Turpentine baths are not as refreshing as a therapeutic kinds of SPA-procedures. These baths are particularly effective for weight loss. Due to the properties of turpentine (a mixture of essential oils of coniferous trees) from the body leaving the slag, and thus disappear sagging skin and cellulite. In addition, due to the expansion of capillaries and improves blood flow normalization of metabolism. But beware: turpentine baths have contraindications. So before you plunge into the fragrant and warm water, consult an expert.

Shower Charcot

This water treatment is named after the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. The main idea is that the water jets of various capacities affect the active points of the body. Sensations at this unique. Painful and tickled at the same time. But as a result of increased immunity, and along with mood and health. As a bonus, you also get an elastic body and tighten the skin.

Contrast perfusion

Douches is an urban version of the old Russian tradition to dive from a hot bath in the icy hole. If you take it a rule to take such water treatment, the first results did not take long to wait. A week later notice that excessive appetite decreased, the skin became firmer, and the contours of the body - clearer. This is due to the fact that douche strengthens the heart and blood vessels, stimulates metabolism. Pattern of use is quite simple: first rinse the body with warm water, then turn on the minute hot (as you can tolerate), after an abrupt change of the cold.


In fact, Turkish "hammam" - a famous Roman "terms." Roman Turkish bath is radically different from the Russian bath. It has a mild humid heat. In the hammam body rests and relaxes completely. In addition, out toxins, open the pores, the skin is cleansed and becomes healthy tone and color.


In contrast to the hamam, sauna is more serious. Temperature reaches the mark of 100 degrees Celsius. A little hot air burns the lungs, so breathe in the sauna quietly and slowly. After the sauna noticeably improves the appearance and overall health. Another would be: through sweat out all the toxins derived, sultry air opens the pores, the metabolism is getting better.


The use of hydro usually comes in a set of programs for losing weight and getting rid of cellulite. Do not confuse professional "water massage" with the usual hot tubs that give only aesthetically pleasing, but not pronounced therapeutic effect. After half an hour of this treatment, the skin will feel the same way as after the classic manual massage - it will be pink and hot to the touch, but without the presence of bruising and swelling. The main advantage of the whirlpool is that, unlike lying on a table massage therapist, you soak in warm water, the impact of jets gentle, but effective.

Tags: care, sauna, shower, body treatment