Historians say thatTurkish bath (hamam) is not, in fact, Turkish, her idea was borrowed from the Romans with their famous terms. However, the Turks tried too bad, made their bath part of the culture and religion, some national landmark, and instill an appreciation for this procedure restrained Europe.
What is so interesting in the Turkish bath, how it differs from the European sauna or Russian bath?
First of all,Turkish bath (hamam)usually has a very nice interior - traditionally marble walls as shops for steaming, they are decorated with mosaic panels. Individual booths guy is not provided, it has a spacious lounge with comfortable sun beds around the perimeter and a large "flat stone" in the center.
Also in the middle of the hall is usually a pool of water, but unlike the Europeans, the Turks are not immersed in it - it needed to maintain the amount of steam at a certain level.
Everywhere sounds calm pleasant music, which promotes relaxation.
People come in
Turkish bath (hamam) enjoy relaxing and socializing and can spend the whole day here.
By the way, every Turkish husband simply must let go of his weekly half a bath, and Turkish women enjoy this right with great pleasure. They are satisfied with these gatherings with her friends and wash up bones husbands passing with washing and other pleasant procedures.
And the "other pleasant procedures" are the whole set.
It begins with a warm-up of the body, and here we come to the main differences from other Turkish bath.
In the hammam is somewhat different system guy. If the sauna - it is dry and hot air, and Russian sauna, steam and, again, high (up to 100 ° C) temperature, the Turkish bath - a gentle heat (not above 60 ° C) and high humidity (up to 100%).
Turkish bath (hamam) is designed so that it not only warms the air, heated separately as walls, floors and beds. At last, in fact, start all pleasant wonders.
Opolosnuvshis in running water (in the shower), should comfortably get a warm bed and lie down for 20 minutes, until the body gets warm. At this time, the muscles relax, opens the pores, and you are immersed in the bliss of music and pleasant scents of essential oils.
Then comes the turn of peeling. With the help of special tools and hard pads whole body is cleaned of dirt, dead skin cells and in the process of toxins.
Opolosnuvshis again, you pass the stage of soaping.
It does not lather, which you arrange a home in the bathroom. In the course of this action on your body whipped and creamy foam volume that covers the whole body soft cloud. Here and there a specialist in massage.
Yes, yes, you will be offered a traditional soap massage, during which every inch of the body, from head to foot, is a good scope, processed wool and relaxed hands of local craftsmen.
After all the cleaning procedures you have to rest.
Turkish bath (hamam) means by this fragrant drink herbal tea and smoking shisha in a special room, which is the national language is called "kef". The name speaks for itself - I think it was from this term was the term "high", which we denote the state of boundless pleasure.
With all the differences in culture and clear, and now take a look at what is good andcontraindications hamam.
Hammam: benefits
Turkish bath (hamam)Like any other, especially the cleaning procedure. With the body in the process of washing, peeling and massage removes superficial and deeper contamination, the body gets rid of toxins.
Scrubbing brushes and sponges incidentally improve blood circulation, allowing the skin to "breathe" and makes it more supple. Such a procedure also helps to fight cellulite.
Heat and massage allows the muscles to relax and unwind the body. In addition, during the procedures you are distracted by all the external problems, calming and relaxing, as they say, body and soul.
Due to the relatively low temperature evaporation hamam obvious benefits for those who can not tolerate hot steam bath Russian sauna or the heated air. Besides wet hovering, unlike dry, does not dry the skin and hair, which is also important.
Essential oils are often added when a guy has a curative effect. Moreover, it is useful not only for the body and the whole body, but also for the nervous system.
There is another important point. Pairs in the Turkish bath is fed continuously, so the impact of essential oils is continuous (and is perceived, by the way, the better), as opposed to the sauna where the steam must be added from time to time.
Procedure hover just has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improves metabolism, promotes deep warm lounges warming the muscles and joints, and what isthe use of the hamam for people suffering from joint pain.
Hovering under the influence of air humidity can accelerate the process of sweating. Therefore, in the Turkish bath sweat even those to whom it is difficult to manage in other types of baths.
Hamam: contraindications
With regard to the hamam, contraindications are the same as in other species baths.
First of all, it's cancer, inflammation of internal organs in the acute stage, diseases of the skin.
Talk to your doctor if you show a Turkish bath (hamam), if you have cardiovascular disease.
If the disease does not threaten your life, you are likely to enjoy the permit procedure, but recommend not to get involved man and avoid sudden changes of temperature (rinse in cold water after the steam room).
As you can see, the list of contraindications hamam can be considered negligible in comparison with other procedures, making it affordable for most people. Benefits Hammam, meanwhile, is obvious.
Therefore it is necessary on occasion to visit the Turkish baths to get their "buzz" and make your own opinion about one of the main traditions of the East.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady