Dermatologists advise anyone who has planned a hike in the solarium, go for a consultation with a specialist. That he would be able to determine how a particular person skin will react to light bulbs. But in any case, a solarium must gradually.
On the first day 2-3 minutes will be sufficient. Once the negative skin reactions to such radiation has been detected, it is possible to gradually increase session time to 10-15 minutes. So, who is also useful to visit a solarium?
Experts believe that the solarium most useful in winter or early spring. It was during this period of time the body is suffering from beriberi, a lack of sunlight. Those people who are prone to regular colds, or have a weakened immune system often suffer from depression and disorders must visit a solarium.
Ultraviolet rays in the solarium help relieve pain in the joints, narrowing of blood vessels in the legs, get rid of varicose spider veins, eliminate acne and pustular skin inflammation, healing of wounds, injuries or ulcers. Also recommended solarium with chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, psoriasis.
But despite the many positive characteristics, tan in the solarium does have contraindications. In any case it is impossible to visit a solarium for patients who are diagnosed malignant tumors, severe forms of tuberculosis, frequent and prolonged attacks of asthma. In addition to people who have a lot of moles on the body, is also contraindicated in solarium.
Certainly, it is better to abandon this tan men and women with different skin diseases, including dermatitis, or hypersensitivity of the epidermis. A solarium is necessary to eliminate from their daily regimen for patients with diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal systems.
Thus, if serious about their health, the solarium and will bring only benefits to the body.